Friday, November 5, 2010

Fall Festivities

I get more and more excited for the holiday season every year now that we have Tucker. Each year he understands it all a little more and has a lot more fun. Tucker and I baked together for the first time in October and we made Halloween cupcakes! It was actually his idea. We passed a baking isle in the store and he saw the pictures of the cupcakes on the boxes and the sprinkles and he asked for them. We had so much fun!! He LOVED puting the svrinkles (sprinkles), as he calls them, on. Here are a few picures of our cupcake making fun!!
The next fall festivity that we took part in was pumking carving! This was such a fun night! We went over to my Aunt Denise's house and it turned out to be quite the family event! Tucker has never been very fond of having messing hands so I wasn't sure how he was going to react to touching the pumkin "goo". This picture pretty much says it all. Needless to say, he did not touch the "goo". lol

Even though pumking carving may not be Tucker's favorite thing, it will still remain to be one of my favorite fall events. Here are all of our finished pumpkins!
(Kayla, Doc, Chrissy, Tucker (which obviously we did for him), Denise and boys, Mine, and Phil's)

Every year Phil goes back and forth about wanting to dress up and by the time he makes up his mind, its always too late to try to find costumes so this year we did not dress up. I was bummed and I decided that from now on I will just go ahead and find us costumes in advance. I asked Tucker a couple of months ago what he wanted to be for Halloween. I had no idea that he even knew what I was talking about. Then he looked and me and replied, " A Wion (lion)." He went back and forth between a lion and a turtle for a little while but since I knew that it was going to be hard to find a turtle costume I just went ahead and started searching for a lion costume. I found one that I loved online but I could only find it in one size bigger than his actual size. Since I loved the costume so much I decided to go ahead and take the chance of it not fitting and ordered the costume. It ended up fitting perfectly and I am so glad that I got it. I was so excited to take Tucker trick-or-treating this year. Somehow I just knew he was going to love it. Maybe it was the fact that he loves chocolate, that he had already known that he wanted to be a lion months in advance, or that he had been practicing saying trick-or-treat for over a month. ;) We decided to stick to one little neighborhood so that he wouldn't have to walk too far and I was so surprised at how much candy he got. His bag weighed probably 3 lbs or more. Here are some pics of trick-or-treating fun.

(He wasn't real excited about the makeup lol)

(Tucker and Auntie Jess)

Hope everyone had a great Halloween!!


The Hudgens

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