Wednesday, November 10, 2010

" The Joys (or not) of Potty Training"

So, we started introducing Tucker to potty traning at a fairly young age. Right about the time he started walking we got excited and started puting him on the potty. He went on the potty a few times but only because I would catch him right before the act and set him on there and he would go. I decided that the first time around (the first time that we were actually really serious about it) that he was too young. He just didn't understand what we were trying to get him to do and would get very upset and frustrated with me. He was around 1-1 1/2.
(This picture helps explain the frustration hehe)

We are now back into it full force and hoping to have better luck this time. He is such a stubborn little guy! He understands ALL of his bodily functions now and tells me all throughout the day everytime he is going. I have tried all the tricks, candy in the jar, new toys, even puting hot wheels (which are his favorite things ever) into a bucket and letting him pick a new one every time he goes potty. Nothing is working so far. The next approach I am taking (which Im not looking forward to because we have carpet all through the house) is letting him run around "bare down there". I am hoping this will do the trick! So far today we have already had an accident on the floor! Hoping for better luck as the days go by. Wish us luck! :)

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